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Any tips that can help a fresher physiotherapist get hired?

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Once you have graduate, you can go for registration documents from governing bodies, private hospitals, Schools, etc as now you’re all set to venture in the world of Physiotherapy.

  • First and foremost for all fresher not just a physiotherapist  is that be very passionate about your work and the quest for acquiring knowledge should never fade.
  • Communication skills can have an impact, at times local regional languages also help in acquiring a job.
  • Be focused on the area of specialization within the boundaries of physiotherapy and expand the footprint of knowledge as deep as possible, researching wont be a bad idea.
  • An awareness to related health and wellness programs is beneficial. Extrovert for knowledge hunt from various other experts in related disciplines such a doctors, nutritionists, strength and conditioning coaches, and psychologists to maximize the best outcome for the patient.
  • Continue to learn and look for new possibilities of advancements.
  • Harness the power of internet to hunt a job of your choice, this can be through Jobs portal, websites of hospitals, clinics, etc. 
  • You can also  preview various physiotherapy job openings on the official website of IAP CLICK HERE TO VISIT  IAP JOBS PORTAL online is also