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Physiotherapy Practice Guidelines

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Physiotherapy Practice Guidelines

The Guidelines to Physiotherapy Practice provides a details of of practices that should be incorprated by Physiotherapist and Physiotherapist  assistant educators, students, and clinicians.  The Guideline serves the following purposes:

  • It describes Physiotherapy practice.
  • It briefly outlines the roles of Physiotherapist and Physiotherapist assistants across a broad range of settings and practice opportunities.
  • It describes the settings in which Physiotherapist should practice.
  • It standardizes terminology used in and related to Physiotherapist practice.
  • It briefly reviews the educational preparation of Physiotherapist and Physiotherapist assistants.
  • It delineates the clinical decision-making process that occurs as part of patient and client management.
  • It describes the examination and evaluation process with a focus on tests and measures.
  • It explains the selection process for choosing interventions and reviews specific interventions that are part of Physiotherapist practice.
  • It describes how outcome measures are used.