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Evidence & Research

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Evidence & Research

For an accuration medication and conclusion to make the best decisions for patient care, we need valid information about prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. The traditional sources for this information may not be in detail as they can be outdated informations, frequently wrong, ineffective, or too overwhelming in their volume and too variable in their validity for practical clinical use. Evidence available in any clinical decision-making can be arranged in order of strength based on its likelihood of freedom from error.

For example, for treatment decisions meta-analyses of well conducted large randomized trails may be the strongest evidence, followed by large multi-centric randomized trails, meta-analysis of well conducted small randomized trails, single centred randomized trails, observational studies, clinical experience or basic science research

Evidence in the mdecal research has evolved to Evidence-based Medicine (EBM). This term was first appeared in the American College of Physicians Journal Club in 1991. EBM is a conclusion derived by integrating the results  from the best research evidence, clinical expertise and the patient’s unique values and circumstances. The Clinical expertise is derived by tking a detail history . Various physical examination and years of experience and the patient’s values include social and cultural factors besides the individual’s ideas concerns and expectations.

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