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Suspension notice of Dr.Umasankar Mohanty

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Suspension notice of Dr.Umasankar Mohanty

This is for information to all the members of The Indian Association of Physiotherapists that due to the anti -association activities of Dr.Umasankar Mohanty which includes but not limited to, trying to register the property of The Indian Association of Physiotherapists as proprietor which means in his personal name, being  in Past CEC and as Past President He was well aware of all facts and his deeds are infringement of acts of IPC, and IAP MOA. So IAP-CEC in the meeting held at 21st Nov 2020 at Delhi has decided to suspend him with Immediate effect for 10 years and he is barred from using any instrument of The Indian Association Of Physiotherapists. It Is also resolved that the further administrative and legal proceedings will follow in due course of time. A


To preview the copy of his application of Trying to register the IAP matter , as for proof refer the file attached .