PUBLIC NOTICE.Date :16/12/2020BY
[The Oldest and Largest physiotherapy Association of India]
This is for information to our members that our Association had filed a suit against Indian Association of Physiotherapy and its Directors Dr. Navneet Krishna and Mr. Pritam Kumar in the Hon’ble Bombay High Court for Infringement and passing off.
We are further pleased to inform our members that after hearing, Hon.High Court was pleased to pass an order dated 15th December 2020 granting injunction as prayed for by us and barred Indian association of Physiotherapy, as per the order below.
As per the order the Defendants i.e Indian Association of Physiotherapy, Dr. Navneet Krishna and Mr. Pritam Kumar by themselves, their Directors, servants, employees, agents, assignees, licensees and all persons acting on their behalf or connected or associated with them are restrained from using in any manner in relation to any of its services, the impugned marks ‘The Indian Association Of Physiotherapy’ & I.A.P. INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSIOTHERAPY ’ being Exhibit N colly to the Plaint till further orders. A copy of the order is uploaded for the reference of the members. We have full trust on our eminent members and thanks for all your support.
Justice Prevails.
For CEC . IAP 2020-2023

Dr.Sanjiv K Jha |
Dr.K.M Annamalai |
General Secretary
Dr.Ruchi Varshney
111-B,Pocket-1,Mayur Vihar Phase-1
Delhi -110091 (India)
Tele : 011-40810586.