News letter May 2019 - page 44

Dr. Michel- Sir can we do next? They are telling without council you cannot register the clinic but I
have done the online registration. Last week I have got my clinic registered. But she is saying the
registrationwill be rejected.
Dr. Jha- so youwant that nobody should register there?
Dr. Narkeesh- From operative point of viewwe have told them not to approach DMS because DMS
is amedical person.And even for the people whowent tomeet DMSwe have instructed them to take
it in writing that PT should not register in others category. If they are ready to give it in writing we
will be immediately challenging them in the court of law.
Dr. Michel– Sir theywon't give inwriting.
Dr. Narkeesh- So fine when they cannot give it in writing then why are you bothered about it? They
will not be able to do anything. We are approaching the health secretary level and it will be sorted
out shortly. Believe in the cental IAP.
Dr. Jha- Sir let me come to a conclusion on this we both will discuss these things here and will take it
up from you what way we should proceed. Then we will give it to lawyers let us see how we can
handle it.
Thanks a lot for joining us. It is indeed your great cooperation that we are able to move ahead. There
are many state Presidents here and we all will move together and let us see how quickly and easily
we can find out solutions all the problems for years.
Thanks a lot once again.
Next National conference is in Chennai. Dates will be announced soon.
We are having another two conferences coming up IAPCorporate Conference on 13 and 14 April
2019 at Indore where we are inviting only corporate to speak. Physios will only listen. Corporate
Mentors will speak.
Before that on 12 April we will be having of whole day starting from 2 O clock to 7 O clock.
President, treasurer and secretary of the state branch are bound to report mandatorily. All the
conveners are also bound to report.All women cell in charge and coordinators are bound to report,
So that we can plan out our further progress.All the local hostingwill be done by IAP.
Thank you.
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